Adult ADHD



  Wish you felt like you could take back control of your life, experience les struggle and stress?  
  • Are you working hard but often not getting the most important things done?
  • Do you often feel frustrated by the many challenges of living with ADHD?

We Can Help You!


ADDLife Coaching is for adults and families dealing with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder – I can help you manage your life, make decisions and achieve your goals.

Your AD/HD Coach recognises that AD/HD traits bring both unique challenges and unique talents.

If you are living with AD/HD or a family member who has AD/HD, I can reduce the frustrations by teaching you how to manage AD/HD more effectively & develop the gifts of the condition.
There is no failure, just feedback


  As a qualified AD/HD coach I support, inspire and instruct to help you make changes and move forward in life and create new opportunities.
I will provide you with unconditional support when you need it and remind you of your successes when you forget. The essence of coaching is collaboration.
  • Less struggle and more success
  • To be heard and understood
  • Clear goals and strategies
  • Long term support
  • Knowledge and hope
  • Kind words and accountability