Medical Attention

It is advisable to seek medical advice from your GP or local hospital as soon as possible following any injury. Make sure you get the right medical treatment, and that your injury is recorded in your medical records and keep a log of your injury and your recovery

Evidence Gathering

Take photos of what has caused the accident, writing down or sketching the scene, and taking a note of the names and numbers of witnesses. Wherever possible, make sure that the accident report book is completed (if one is available). If you've tripped or slipped, take photographs of the accident scene before it's changed or repaired. If possible, use an everyday object such as a 50p coin or a packet of cigarettes to show the height and size of any pothole or trip edge. Take photographs of your injury, especially cuts and bruises that may disappear over time. Take photographs of damaged personal possessions

Prepare for your medical examination

As part of your personal injury claim your solicitor will usually arrange for you to see an independent Medical Expert. This is your opportunity to tell your story: how the accident has affected your home life, interfered with your work, hobbies, interests etc. Be honest and straightforward and don't over do things by exaggerating your symptoms; this will only make a bad impression and could reduce your damages. Keep good records and take the time to organise your materials. Keep up a confidential personal diary. This will pay good dividends with both the Medical Expert in producing a more accurate record on your report.

Expenses being reimbursed

Keep hold of all receipts where you have incurred expenses. This means keeping receipts for all expenses and keeping a list of any financial losses that you suffer as a result of the accident, such as loss of earnings and travelling expenses. Insurance companies will often delay or reduce compensation payments due to 'missing or incomplete' information. Don't let them.

Include everything

For example, did you know that you can often include a claim for the time spent by your family and friends providing you with care and assistance after an accident, even if they don't charge you. Keep a record of anyone who provides you with care and assistance after your accident, what they do for you, and how long they spend doing it.

Use a reputable personal injury solicitor

To maximise your damages make sure you use a good personal injury solicitor, preferably a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL). They'll represent your interests. They'll be able to counter any tactics your opponents throw your way, and they'll present your case properly to make sure you receive the right amount of compensation you're entitled to.