Owe no man anything

Over the coming months we will be sharing teachings on wealth creation from proven Secular Business leaders and Christian teachers from around the globe but I think before we start we should look at the issue of personal debt 

How do I Become Debt Free?

Becoming debt free is the first step to financial freedom which every Christian should aim to accomplish.

Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbour [who practices loving others] has fulfilled the Law [relating to one's fellowmen, meeting all its requirements]. (Rom 13:8 the Amplified Bible).

In the current system its so easy to become enslaved to debt, the mortgage, car loan or the University fees to name but a few.  The fact is we the believers should be the lenders and not the borrower (Deuteronomy 28:12).

Debt is a curse that can take over your whole life and wear you down putting you in bondage to the world’s financial system, we are not to live that way.  We are to walk free of the curse (Deut 28:15).  Jesus has set us free! He has redeemed us from the curse of the law to walk in the blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:13-14).
You should be asking how I can become free of the curse of debt.
1. You have to make a big decision to do what it takes to get out of debt and live in freedom.
Give Gods word first place in your life, believe it’s the truth and make it your final authority, believe that God is your source able to meet all your needs and desires (Haggai 2:8).  Remember to be single minded (James 1:8, 22-25) and meditate, read, think about the Word (Psalms 1:1-3) Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.
2. Put God first in your financial Affairs.
Decide that no matter what comes your way, you will obey God’s Word and tithe of gross income, also remember to be a generous giver (Malachi 3:8-12, II Corinthians 9:16-15) Tithing will lay the foundation for your financial success give God the freedom to work unobstructed on behalf of your finances – give Him the tithe – and He can give us His best.

3. Do not allow yourself anymore debts.  Believe God for your daily bread! (Matthew 6:11)  This is the day to day money you need for meeting your family needs.  Believe and pray and the Lord will provide for you and your family also bread to pay your debts off.  Stop using credit or credit cards until you have paid all your existing debt. Do not write cheques that your bank balance will not cover, a bounced cheque is really fraud.  Get into the habit of paying for purchases with cash, cheque or debit cards this will reduce mounting debt.  Don't borrow any more money on credit cards from institutions, family, or friends until all debt (apart from your mortgage) have been cleared.  Aim to pay extra on the debts with the highest interest rates.
If all interest rates are similar, begin to pay extra on the smallest balance. After that debt has been paid, apply the regular payment as well as the extra money that was going to it toward the next highest balance. After the second is paid off, then the third highest and so forth. Remember to get into agreement with other believers (Matthew 18:19) your wife, and if you are not married, find a strong believer who will stand in agree with you.

 4. Have faith in God, remember He loves you, yes you! Read Mark 11:23-24. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that all your needs are met, that you are out of debt, that the windows of heaven are opened to you, that the hundredfold return is yours in this lifetime and that you operate financially according to the wisdom of God. (Proverbs 2:1-10, 3:13-18). Write down a realistic budget to live on and allow percentages of your Income to repay creditors. You may have to contact/Write to each creditor if you are struggling with repayments, you can then agree an affordable amount to pay each month. If you have serious debts seek advice now at the citizen’s advice bureau.

A good step to eliminate debt is to generate extra funds by working overtime or on an extra job, or by starting a micro business (Ebay Shop) all the extra money generated must go to eliminate the your debt for this to be effective.  Remember to bind the devil in the Name of Jesus (Matthew 18:18,  Mark 16:17, James 4:17, Ephesians 6:10-18).In Jesus’ Name, order Satan and all his forces out of your financial affairs. When you are dealing with a financial matter involving the family, it is important that the husband / father who is responsible as the spiritual head of the home take the lead in resisting all the devil’s attacks. Loose the forces of Heaven into your financial affairs (Hebrews 1:14,  Psalms 103:20).  Loose the Heavenly forces into your financial affairs on earth (Hebrews 1:14, Psalms 103:20). The Angles of the Lord are fellow servants with you they will intervene and assist you in all your affairs but like the Lord they have to be invited by you. You must remember to Praise God for the answers the manifestation of His grace in your financial affairs (Psalm 9:1-4), Psalm 67:5-6, Psalm 68:19).  Praise keeps the door to abundance wide open. When the channel between you and God is clear, you can receive His promises

No one who is financially bound can enjoy the freedom of being debt free and thus being spiritually free, the study above will help you to get free from the curse of debt and into a position of financial blessing.
