Capital Allowances Claims
Capital Allowances have been available since the post war period in some form or another. To allow clients to gain significant tax refunds, we carry out retrospective current year and new build Capital Allowance claims in accordance to today’s legislation. Individuals, companies and certain trusts that own commercial properties and EU Furnished Holiday Lets (FHL) can all benefit from this tax allowance.

The whole exercise is carried out in-house, by highly qualified Chartered status staff, who have dealt with many claims over the years. The continued approval of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and through dealing with the vast majority of tax offices throughout the UK, enables us to effectively gain agreement for substantial Capital Allowance claims. Our reputation is reliant upon creating a personal and efficient service, which can be processed within a reasonable timescale.

All of our dealings with clients are on a strictly private and confidential basis. Our report fee is only applicable when we successfully identify a claim in excess of £25,000. Fees are payable on production of your Capital Allowance report, prior to your refund or rebate being activated. We do not require any up front report fees or interim payments. However, a survey fee will be due on submission of your application, prior to work commencing on EU FHL cases ONLY.

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